Regular Health Checkups Keep Patients Healthy

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Regular Health Checkups Keep Patients Healthy

In the past, people only visited their doctor when they were ill. Times are changing, and people are becoming educated on the importance of regular health checkups. Regular checkups help identify problems before they begin or when they are just beginning. When individuals receive screenings and visit their doctor regularly, their chances for a cure is much better when a disease or illness is discovered. Furthermore, at an appointment, the individual will receive information on how to live a happier, healthier and longer life. A physician will discuss any changes that the patient should make (increased activity levels and a healthy diet) to improve their overall health.

The CDC recommends that everyone have regular health exams to find problems before they become dangerous. ( Regular health exams take into account your personal health history, your age, your lifestyle choices, and family history, which can all impact your overall health. A community campaign for regular health screenings can help encourage all community members, including children and the elderly.

What Benefits Do Regular Health Checkups Offer?

When a patient has regular health checkups, the patients begin to establish a relationship with their physician. As the doctor gets to know the patient's health history, lifestyle choices and family history, the doctor will be able to provide customized care based on the patient's unique needs. Additionally, the doctor will be able to determine any physical or emotional changes, which could signal an underlying health condition. In addition to this, when a patient sees a doctor regularly, the patient will be more apt to be honest with their doctors.

Most people do not keep a record of the tests and immunizations that they have had. By having a physician that the patient sees regularly, all of their medical records will be kept in one location, which can be very beneficial should you need any records. Furthermore, the doctor will remind you of any vaccinations or tests that you need, such as a colonoscopy or mammogram.

Finally, when a patient has regular health checkups, their doctor will evaluate their risk of illness and disease and work with the patient to make healthy lifestyle changes. Rather than just prescribing medications to mask or ease the symptoms, the doctor will be able to determine what steps need to be taken to improve your health.

Regular Health Checkups for Kids

The American Academy of Pediatrics states that regular health screenings are paramount to a child's growth and development. ( At each visit, the child will receive the immunizations needed to prevent childhood diseases like the chicken pox, measles, mumps, etc. At each visit, the pediatrician will track your child's growth and development.

Vaccinations – Children require a number of vaccinations to help prevent serious illnesses. These vaccines include polio, MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) DTap (diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis), chicken pox, the flu shot, and the pneumonia shot.

Young children should have a healthy start to life, which means they should have annual checkups. At these checkups, the doctor will perform a number of tests to ensure that the child is developing physically and emotionally. Growth charts will be used to track the child's weight and height and a series of tests will help to ensure your child is on track developmentally and emotionally.

Regular Health Checkups for the Elderly

As a patient ages, the need for routine medical screenings increase. The elderly need to be proactive about their health and notify their healthcare professional of any changes. Healthline reports that all elderly patients receive the following tests. (

  • Blood Pressure – Because one-third of the adult population has elevated blood pressure, it is essential that patients check their blood pressure. Hypertension is considered a silent killer because it often does not cause any symptoms; however, it increases the risk of a heart attack or stroke. Blood pressure should be checked annually.

  • Colorectal Cancer Screening – After 50, elderly patients should have a colonoscopy every 10 years and more frequently if there is a history of colorectal cancer or the patient has polyps. Additionally, a digital rectal exam should be performed annually.

  • Vaccinations – There are several vaccinations that should be given to elderly patients. A flu shot should be administered every year and a pneumococcal vaccine and shingle vaccination should be given after the age of 65.

Regular health checkups are the hallmark of good health. At these visits, the doctor will perform routine screenings and vaccinations. In children, the doctor will monitor the child's growth and development as well. In the elderly, the doctor will perform screenings for heart disease, stroke, and cancer.  Regular health checkups prevent many life-threatening illnesses.

Rohan Hirani