Are we the last Humans?

Overall, humans have found ways to survive and reproduce despite unfavorable genetic traits. We don’t need evolution to take care of us, we can do it ourselves. Does the combined evolution of humans and technology slow down our own evolution, and if so, is this a good thing? 

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Serena Hirani
Self-Control and Will Power

Evidence clearly shows that learning how to improve self-control and willpower leads to eating healthier, less substance abuse, better work performance, and even developing better high quality friendships.

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Serena Hirani
Culture, Happiness and Health

Our current culture of extreme individualism, competitiveness, and isolation has contributed to a lot of unhappiness driving a society which has become more alienated and anxious. Certain characteristics greatly help your chances to have a happy life. These include having an optimistic view, having healthy social relationships, loving others and having a purpose in life.

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Serena Hirani
Love Is An Evolutionary Advantage

All around the world, in every culture, in movies, in songs, in the media, love is romanticized. Love is depicted as the most important emotion, and the cause of so much good and bad in the world. The ability to love is literally written in our DNA. Love allows our species to cooperate, collaborate, and protect others.

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Serena Hirani
Societal Clues From Street Art

In most places in the United States, graffiti is charged as a vandalism misdemeanor, with a punishment of anywhere from community service, to jail time, to up to $2,500 in fines. Perhaps this danger is what makes the art form so enticing, and the culture of graffiti so unique. Unlike other forms of art, the artist is most often anonymous. The art is not about who made it, but the message and impact it leaves on its community.

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Serena Hirani
How Progress Is Limiting Our Growth

Progress is undoubtedly important, but progress for the sake of progress is not helping us be better, it is limiting our growth as a society. The need for progress is what makes us human and what makes us different from every other species in the world.

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Serena Hirani
A Scientific Study of Skin Color

Around the world, for thousands of years, the practice of colorism has linked those with lighter skin tones to positions of power and wealth. In this episode we talk about the history and science of skin color, the practice of colorism, and its implications.

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Serena Hirani
Mental Health and Stigma

Physical illnesses are usually talked about openly and in a “matter of fact” way with family members, friends, and even with strangers. So why is it that mental illness is considered a deep, shameful secret for so many people?

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Serena Hirani
Mental Illness is Misunderstood

There are hundreds of known mental illnesses, yet they are often the most misunderstood human conditions. So why are they not always recognized and treated with the same importance as neurological disorders like cancer or epilepsy?

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Serena Hirani
Health Issues In Aging Population

Elderly men and women in rural areas around the world are at an increased risk of death due to preventable and treatable diseases. As you age, your immune system can become compromised, which can lead to an increased risk of death from otherwise treatable diseases.

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Rohan Hirani
The Universal Right: Education

Many benefits work together to provide children with the knowledge they need to become productive members of society. Unfortunately, children around the world are not offered a basic elementary school education.

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Gaurav Belani