HealthShine views access to energy as a important precondition to improvement in economic wellbeing, health, and education leading to overall improvement in quality of life.
All life on earth depends substantially on the energy from the sun. Plants utilize the sun’s magic for photosynthesis while animals use its warmth for their survival. It’s only logical that humans embrace Mother Nature’s light as well and harness it as a clean energy source. Fortunately, scientists have discovered how to capture the sun’s light through solar panels (also known as photovoltaic systems) and convert it into renewable, environmentally-friendly energy.
Pros vs Cons
There are pros and cons related to implementing residential and commercial solar energy.
Benefits include -
Reduction in the carbon footprint and improved sustainability
Increased home values with lowered electric bills
Financial incentives from the government, as well as the solar panel owners receiving credit for surplus energy sold to the power grid
Solar panels enjoy long lifespans, constant technological improvements, and can be used for diverse applications from electricity to heating
Reduced pollution
Most of the energy consumption the world over comes from fossil fuels such as natural gas, oil, and coal which release massive amounts of greenhouse gases which trap heat in the atmosphere and result in global warming, damage to public health, and destruction of wildlife.
As businesses and homes transition to solar energy, it would result in the reduction of greenhouse gases. With increased usage, the price of solar panels drops, and it will be more and more affordable. In most cases, houses with solar panels generate more than adequate solar energy for their own consumption, and they can direct the unused energy back to the power grid and receive bonus payments. The excess energy transferred to the power grid reduces the need for electricity generated using fossil fuels.
Some downsides of solar panels include -
High upfront installation cost
Expensive storage
Steep learning curve to get familiar with becoming an owner and operator of solar panels
Installing Solar panels on MultiFamily Homes
Installing solar panels in low income homes and multifamily communities in inner cities and congested urban areas helps reduce pollution as well as reduces the energy bills for low income residents. In addition, the installation of the solar panels provides much needed employment.
Installing Solar Panels in Rural Communities
There are large populations of the world that do not have access to electricity. Installing solar panels provides much needed electricity so these communities have a good chance to develop and come out of poverty. That is the least we can do to provide opportunities for the children in these underdeveloped areas.
HealthShine is actively working towards providing access to solar power in rural underdeveloped areas.